TIC- Ukraine War – Putin's Misguided Adventure

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2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

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Ukraine War – Putin's Misguided Adventure

Russia is fighting a war of choice - Ukraine is fighting for survival!

Ukraine – and President Zelensky must dispel any notion that Russia can be defeated in a long, drawn-out war of attrition. For Ukraine to achieve victory, the West must stand strong and support Ukraine in its effort to expel Russian troops, not only from Ukraine but also from Crimea (annexed without a shot being fired in 2014). Ukraine's army must be equipped with modern-day weaponry that has already proven to be successful. The advantage now is on the side of Ukraine, but "advantage" is never predictive of victory. President Putin is in it for the long game. He is hoping that the West will inevitably tire of this conflict, especially when it impacts Western countries. Putin must be stopped. He has already invaded Chechnya (twice), Georgia, Syria, Donbas, and Crimea – and each time, he has "gotten away with it." Putin will not stop in Ukraine – unless he is stopped.


  • Why is the military response of Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers superior to the Afghanistan military?
  • What went wrong? Planning?…Strategy?…Logistics?
  • What was the global reaction? Will the 1,200 + foreign companies that de-coupled return to Russia?
  • Will the long-term sovereignty of Ukraine be protected?
  • Will the European Union and NATO consider welcoming Ukraine for full membership?
  • The estimated cost to rebuild Ukraine is over $200 billion – who will pay?
  • 4+ million refugees have fled Ukraine – will they return or will Eastern European countries absorb them?    

Facilitator: Mike Quinlan

Friday, February 23rd
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Complimentary (Reservations required)

Please visit www.thecommonsclub.com or call 239-949-3800