FGCU Academy - Black Holes, Super Nova, Quasar and Other Wonders of the Universe
Black Holes, Super Nova, Quasar and Other Wonders of the Universe
Explore the wonders of the universe and the variety of objects discovered as a direct result of Einstein's theory of relativity. Black holes, super nova, quasar, neutron stars are all in our sky and thanks to the Hubble and Webb telescopes, we can see them with remarkable clarity. Learn what each of these celestial bodies is and how we know they exist. What makes one black hole different from another? Where are they and will the Earth get sucked into one? Speaker: Ken Selger
Monday, April 17th
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
$25 per person
Please call FGCU Academy at 239-434-4737 for your reservation