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May 2024

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Men's Bridgeat: The Rookery

Bike Medicat: Outside the Fitness Center

Mah Jongg Playat: The Rookery

Rockin' the Rookat: The Rookery

Men's Bridgeat: The Rookery

ClosedTIC - More iPhone/iPad/iOS Tipsat: The Health & Lifestyle Center

Mah Jongg Playat: The Rookery

Sound Healingat: Health & Lifestyle Center

Board Meetingat: The Health & Lifestyle Center

Men's Bridgeat: The Rookery

Mah Jongg Playat: The Rookery

Rockin' the Rookat: The Rookery

Men's Bridgeat: The Rookery

ClosedPatriotic Popsat: Artis-Naples

Men's Bridgeat: The Rookery

Lobster Nightat: The Rookery