Board Meeting

Event Date:

Event Time:
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Board of Directors Meetings

Event Location:
The Enrichment Center

The Commons Club at The Brooks
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, July 20, 2017 2:30pm EDT
Preliminary Agenda

Call the meeting to order (by Vice President Merritt)

Welcome to members 

Member Comments (3 minute maximum per speaker please)

Approval of Minutes
• May 18, 2017

GM’s Report (Archazki)
• Club Kudos 
• Capital Review 
a. Beach Deck Refurbishment update

Presidents Report (Larson)
• Treasurers and Finance Committee Reports (Ward)   

Financial Presentation – May/June, 2017 (DeJesus) 

Other Committee Reports (as needed)
• Membership – Michael Rickey, Chair
• Governance – Doug Larson, Chair
• Marketing and Sales Communications – Jim Gilmartin, Chair
• Talents in Common – Ruthmarie Mitsch, Chair
• Bylaws – Jim Merritt, Chair
• Fitness Center – Pat Egan, Chair

Old Business
• TCC Board Policy Review

New Business
• Extension approval of Finemark Bank $500,000 line of credit 

Members Comments (3 minute maximum per speaker please)

Adjournment into Executive Session

Future Events  
• Board Meeting: 2:30 pm EDT Thursday, September 21, 2017