Board Meeting

Event Date:

Event Time:
2:30 pm

Board of Directors Meetings

The Commons Club at The Brooks
Board of Directors Meeting - Enrichment Center
Thursday, September 15th, 2:30 pm EST



Call the meeting to order 

Welcome to members present - Member comments (3-minute limit)

Approval of June 16th, 2022 Board Minutes

President's Report (Weinberg)

  • Update on Pickleball Negotiations

Treasurer and Finance Committee Report

  • Treasurer's Report (Ward)
  • August Financial Presentation (DeJesus)
  • 2023 Operating Budget Calendar

General Manager's Report (Archazki)

  • Updated of Gold Memberships
  • 2023 Operating Budget Introduction
  • Roof Project Update

Committee Reports

  • Beach Committee (Stitchberry)
  • Rookery Committee (Smyth)
  • Talents in Common (Eisenhauer)

Old Business

New Business


Next Board Meeting:
Thursday, October 20th at 2:30 pm