Board Meeting

Event Date:

Event Time:
2:30 pm

Board of Directors Meetings


Board Meeting
Thursday, November 16th - 2:30 pm at the Enrichment Center

Monthly Board Meeting Agenda 

Call the meeting to order 

Welcome to members present – Member Comments (3-minute limit)

Approval of October 19th, 2023 Board Minutes

President's Report (Weinberg)

·         Coconut Park Purchase Update

·         Beach Club Rebuild Update 

Finance Committee Report

·         2024 Budget Update and Vote for Approval

·         October's Financial Presentation

General Manager's Report (Archazki)

·         Enrichment Center Renovation Update

·         Pickleball Ice/Water Dispenser Capital Purchase

Committee Reports

·         Talents in Common – Eisenhauer

·         Bylaws – Smyth/Ebersoldt

·         Rookery – Smyth/Lucke     

Old Business

New Business 



Topic: TCC Board Meeting 11-16-23

Time: Nov 16, 2023 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 892 7302 4931

Passcode: 494906