Board Meeting

Event Date:

Event Time:
2:30 pm

Board of Directors Meetings

Dear Members:
At the start of Thursday's meeting, the Board will discuss the initial steps for rebuilding the Beach Club.  Immediately after the Board discussion, members are invited to make Beach Club comments and/or ask questions.  Please see the attached agenda. 



 The Commons Club at The Brooks
Board of Directors Meeting - Enrichment Center
Thursday, November 17th 2:30 pm EST

Join Zoom Meeting
 Meeting ID: 860 1835 8358
Passcode: 155707

 Dial by your location:
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York) 



Call the meeting to order 

Welcome to members present - Member comments (3-minute limit)

Approval of October 20th, 2022 Board Minutes

President's Report (Weinberg)

  • Beach Club Rebuild
    - Board Discussion
    - Member Q&A: Beach Club

Treasurer and Finance Committee Report

  • Treasurer's Report (Ward)
  • October's Financial Presentation (DeJesus)
  • 2023 Operating Budget Calendar

General Manager's Report (Archazki)

  • Insurance Update: Hurricane Ian
  • Roof Project Update
  • Beach Staff Review

Committee Reports

  • Rookery Committee (Smyth)
  • Talents in Common (Eisenhauer)

Old Business

New Business


Next Board Meeting:
Thursday, December 15th at 2:30 pm