Board Meeting - Click for Agenda

Event Date:

Event Time:
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Board of Directors Meetings

Event Location:
The Enrichment Center

The Commons Club at The Brooks 

Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, December 15, 2016 3:00pm EST

 Call the meeting to order 

 Welcome to members 

 Member Comments (3 minute maximum per speaker please)

 Approval of November 17, 2016 Minutes (Rogers)

 Presidents Report (Larson)

  • Strategic Planning Update

Treasurer and Finance Committee Reports (Ward)   

 Financial Presentation – November, 2016 (Guido) 

 GM’s Report (Archazki)

  • Rookery Update
  • Beach Catering policy report
  • Membership status policy recommendations
  • Capital Review

Talents in Commons Committee Report (Jane Alter)

 Communications Committee update (Larson)

 Old Business

  • 2017 Board Elections Nominating Committee (Larson)  

New Business

  • Board Voting Procedure (Furhovden) 

Members Comments (3 minute maximum per speaker please) 


 Next Board Meeting

  • 3:00 pm Thursday, January 19, 2017