TIC—Can Fossil Fuel Technologies Be Replaced—Can We Really Go Green?

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

Talents In Common

Can Fossil Fuel Technologies Be Replaced—Can We Really Go Green?

Can we really eliminate fossil fuels?  And what does "Going Green" really mean?  This presentation will first explore exactly what fossil fuels are and how they are imbedded into our day to day lives.

We will also explore what alternatives there are to replace and what sacrifices consumers will need to make to achieve this elimination.

Finally, we will discuss the term "Going Green" and review both scientific and cultural definitions, as well as explore documented environmental projects.  The successes and failures of these for those areas of the population who have changed their lifestyle to reduce the amount of pollution and waste generated projects will be reviewed and summarized.

Facilitated by: Karen Eisenhauer MS. Chemistry/Organic-Environmental Sciences

Friday, February 17th

10:00 am to 11:30 am

Complimentary (Reservations required)

Please visit www.thecommonsclub.com or call 239-949-3800