Canine Command - Dog Training 101 cancelled

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Event Date:

Event Time:
9:30 am - 11:00 am

Did you know Iditarod mushers start socializing their pups at 2 weeks! Proper training and
socialization, early and often, are keys to owning a Good Canine Citizen. Nevertheless, dogs of all ages benefit from training- learning how to focus, track, recall, sit, stay, walk calmly on leash and be
comfortable with strangers. Seminar attendees will also learn how to reward and correct
effectively. Research has shown short 5-minute fun interactions with our canine companions lowers blood pressure, increases good brain hormones and strengthens the immune system of both the owner and dog! Quick training mentally and physically stimulates your dog while enhancing your leadership making your dog feel safe and secure.

Seminar presented by Joe De Simone an Animal Behavior College graduate and founder of Canine Command.

Please do not bring your pets.
Complimentary  - Reservations required