Chinese Landscapes Art Presentation - CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Learning and Speaker Series

China was to the countries of East Asia what ancient Greece and Rome were to the countries of Europe, the source of their shared classical world.
China has had a more continuous and uninterrupted civilization than any Western nation, and its continuity is reflected in its art. Partly because of the immense size of the country, and because it has always been able to absorb repeated influxes of foreign invaders. Chinese art showed a development of style unbroken throughout the centuries. Very few motifs, once developed were ever lost. Certain ideas and styles were repeated over and over again and great paintings of the past were painted over and over again. Chinese art was made to enhance the meditations of wealthy scholars, emperors, and priests.
China had a spiritual perfection in art. There was a mystical harmony between the Chinese and nature. If the Chinese could understand nature, they could understand mankind. Chinese art is a way of being. Confusion, conflict and violent emotion were to be avoided at all costs.. Daring and new experiments in art were not allowed. 
Wednesday, December 5th

$10 per person

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm