Defensive Carding & Leads

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Event Time:
9:00 am - 11:00 am

Card and Group Games

Defensive Carding & Leads

Thursday, November 1st

9:00 am to 11:00 am

Defensive carding and opening leads are the only partnership communication for defense. Using and having a common understanding and partnership agreement for these two aspects of the game of bridge will increase your results dramatically. Compare the amount of time you have spent on learning biding conventions and play of the hand…if your normal bridge nut…two or three times than you have spent on studying defense. In essence you spend at least half the time defending at the bridge table. Typically the fastest way to improve your partnership performance is to have a common basic understanding of defensive card and your partner’s leads. This lesson is to provide provide these basic defensive blocks, as well as add a few optional twists used by advanced players.

* Members may register guests starting October 25th.

Class is $27 per person

Max of 16 per class