ECHO Farms Tour & Lunch at River District - CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
9:00 am - 3:30 pm


The Combined Tour includes both the Global Demonstration Farm & the Appropriate Technology Village. The Global Farm Tour walks you through 5 acres replicating 6 different tropical eco-zones: Lowlands, Highlands, Monsoon, Semi-arid, Rain Forest, and Urban/Rooftop plus the Community Garden. The Appropriate Technology Village is laid out to depict rural village life focusing on Food, Water, & Shelter. The Combined Tour will take about 2 hrs. Golf carts available for those who can’tt walk the whole tour.

Please bring a refillable water bottle, wear sunglasses and a visor/hat, wear comfortable closed walking shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent.

Lunch to follow at FT. Myers River District on own.