FGCU Academy - "A Match Made in Heaven…or not?" CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am

"A Match Made in Heaven…or not?"

In the late 19th century, fabulously wealthy American heiresses in search of acceptance into a very exclusive New York high society flocked to Europe to find more accommodating eligible bachelors. The bachelors, titled aristocrats often in great need of cash to maintain their stately homes and lifestyles, became willing suitors. Some of these marriages survived; others were disastrous; none were what the couples expected. This is a lively tale of the glittering world of families like the Astors, Vanderbilts and the Dukes of Marlborough and Manchester. Speaker: Nancy Maxwell

Thursday, January 5th

10:00 am – 11:30 am

$25 per person

Please call FGCU Academy at 239-434-4737 for your reservation.