FGCU Academy - Five Eyes: Global Eavesdropping and the Collection of Communications Intell

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am


imgFive Eyes: Global Eavesdropping and the Collection of Communications Intelligence

Since World War II, the U.S. and U.K. have had an alliance to jointly collect and share communications intelligence. That agreement has expanded to include other types of intelligence. It also grew to include Australia, Canada and New Zealand and became called Five Eyes. It is the most effective intelligence alliance in history. Join us for a fascinating introduction into the world of signals intelligence and global eavesdropping. Topics include: history, types of intelligence, agencies involved, third parties, Nine Eyes, 14 Eyes, Atlantic Charter, VENONA, Soviet Spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, ECHELON, Pine Gap, NSA Hawaii, Edward Snowden, leaks, cyberwarfare, intelligence partnerships, Israel, emerging issues and 5G.

Speaker: Thomas Eastwood

Tuesday, July 18th
10:00 am  – 11:30 am

$25 per person

Please call FGCU Academy at 239-434-4737 for your reservation