FGCU Academy - Hollywood Invents the Screwball Comedy Cancelled

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Hollywood Invents the Screwball Comedy

From the early 30's through the 50's, Hollywood bypassed the Hays Code in very sneaky ways, avoiding censorship with such comedies as Some Like It Hot and The Seven Year Itch. The comedy genre humorously exaggerates the situation, the language, action and characters. Comedies observe the deficiencies, foibles and frustrations of life, providing merriment and a momentary escape from day-to-day life. They usually have happy endings, although the humor may have a serious or pessimistic side. Some of the stars often present in screwball comedies include Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn, Irene Dunne and the Marx Brothers. Speaker: Shelly Kaufman

Friday, May 20th
10:00 am – 11:30 am
$25 per person

Please call FGCU Academy at 239-434-4737 for your reservation