FGCU Academy Online: Jackie Robinson…The Full(er) Life Story of a Baseball Legend

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Event Time:
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm

FGCU Academy

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Jackie Robinson…The Full(er) Life Story of a Baseball Legend
WB0215 – October 16 at 1:30pm – 2:45pm, Friday

Most know about the baseball career of Jack Roosevelt Robinson. While this presentation will shed some light on some little-known facts about that illustrious career, it will focus more on the man before and after baseball, including his life as a civil rights crusader. Born the son of a sharecropper in Cairo, Ga, Jackie Robinson would become a successful businessman/banker, a key advisor to the Nelson Rockefeller presidential bid in NY, the father of three successful children, and a significant fundraiser for the NAACP. Instructor: Alan Weinstein