FGCU Academy Online: Napoleon in the Holy Land

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Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:15 am

FGCU Academy

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Napoleon in the Holy Land
WB0208 – October 7 at 10am – 11:15am, Wednesday

After waging a campaign against the Turks and the British in Egypt, French leader Napoleon Bonaparte captured Gaza, subsequently moving north along the coastal plain and defeating Ottoman governor Jazzar Pasha's troops at Jaffa and Haifa, before retreating back to Egypt after the siege on Acre. Following this campaign in the Ottoman-ruled territory, the official newspaper of the French government "Le Moniteur Universel" published a manifesto declaring that Napoleon had promised that all Jews would be able to return to their homeland, in the ancient territory of the Israelites. This would inflame the Arab world and set the stage for the next 230 years. Instructor: Dr. Steven Derfler