FGCU Academy Online: Space and Time Travel: Real or Fantasy?

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10:00 am - 11:00 am

FGCU Academy

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Space and Time Travel: Real or Fantasy?
WB0212 – October 12 at 10am – 11:15am, Monday

Mankind's pursuit of exploration seems to be embedded in our DNA. First, we explored the Savannah; then we migrated out of Africa and into Europe, Asia and the far western continents. Then man orbited Earth with moon landings not far behind. So, what's next - Mars landings, exploration of Venus and then onto the outer planets? When will we go beyond our solar system and into interstellar space searching for a new home? As exciting as these new pursuits are, the space challenges facing our human-ness and the technologies necessary for reasonable travel time must be resolved, or we must accept that local visits to the moon and perhaps Mars will be the end to human space exploration. So, why not travel "through time" and just bring back those technologies that allow us to travel at warp speed? First, that would depend on whether or not the future exists - does it? Philosophers say yes if you believe in eternalism, the simultaneous existence of the past, present and future. If so, then time travel is only a technology problem - but what a huge problem it is! Is space and time travel possible or just a fantasy? Instructor: Scott Flaig