FGCU Academy - The Collapse of the Hapsburg Empire in World War I

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am

The Collapse of the Hapsburg Empire in World War I

The role the Hapsburg Empire played in the causes of World War I, its feeble alliance with Germany and its political collapse at the end of the war have only recently been explored by historians. This lecture defines the declining state of the second largest empire in Europe at the start of the war and how the war brought about its end. Its collapse would change both the map and the course of history in Europe. The consequences of this collapse can still be seen today. Speaker: Lynn Brand

Monday, February 20th

10:00 am  –11:30 am

$25 per person

Please call FGCU Academy at 239-434-4737 for your reservation.