Food for Life: Nutrition & Cooking Series

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Learning and Speaker Series

$125 per person
(A Full Meal is Served at Each Class)

Wednesdays, March 1st, March 8th,
March 15th, and March 22nd

10:00 am to 12:00 pm

In the Enrichment Center 

Join Food for Life Instructor Kathy Reynaert, for this informative cooking demo!

Very Limited Space Available, First Come First Serve.

Food for Life is an award-winning Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine program. Each class includes information about how certain foods and nutrients work to promote health, along with cooking demonstrations of simple and nutritious recipes that can be recreated easily at home.

Sign up now to reserve your spot by contacting the
Enrichment Center at (239) 949-3800 or