Garden Club Tour Vi Bentley Village

Event Date:

Event Time:
9:30 am

Event Location:
Vi Bentley Village

Tour Vi Bentley Village

9:35 a.m.        Carpool from Enrichment Center to Vi Bentley Village

10:00 a.m.  -  Meet at the West Club House at Vi Bentley Village

                       Introduction from Pam, Community Relations Manager

                       Board Trams for ride to the Plant Shop

                       Mrs. Nancy Fisher will conduct this part of the tour

11:00 a.m.      Re board the Trams for a ride through the 156 acre campus.

                       A landscape architect with Florida Evergreen will conduct a 

          tour of the common grounds which they oversee for ViBV

12:00 p.m.     Trams will take you back to the West Club House for lunch

                       in the Lakeside Grill.  

                       Lunch will be the compliment of Vi Bentley Village

RSVP:            Please RSVP no later than Thursday, March 8th.  

                     Bernice Smith [email protected]

                     or Genny Esayian [email protected]


Directions:      South on Rt. 41.  Cross over Bonita Beach Road, pass Audubon

                       to Vi Bentley Village (on the right) across from Kanes Furniture.

                       Check in at the Security Gate.  Proceed through the gate.  You

                       are on Retreat Drive.  Continue straight on Retreat Drive until

                       you come to the West Club House.  Turn right into the Club House

                       drive and park.  Trams will be there.