Global Warming is Real

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1:30 pm - 2:30 pm


Global Warming is Real!   A presentation by Dr. Theodore L. Brown, Founding Director Emeritus of the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois. Despite some political rhetoric to the contrary, global warming is real, and the evidence that humans are responsible for it is extremely strong.  At this points humans can only take steps to slow the rate of change, and mitigate the extent of the damage. We should be acting now to identify the many adverse effects global warming will bring. This talk identifies many of those effects. There is much we can do, and not a lot of time to make a commitment to saving the planet.

Wednesday, March 7th

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Complimentary (reservations are required)

Please call 239-949-3800 or visit to reserve your spot today.