History of The Koreshans

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2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


History of The Koreshans
Friday, March 23rd * 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

JoAnn Luce, a park volunteer will provide us with the fascinating history of Koreshan State Park which is the home of the Koreshan Unity Settlement, the pioneering colony that led the development of Estero in the mid 1890’s.  Florida has welcomed pioneers of all kinds. Cyrus Reed Teed was probably the most unusual, bringing followers to Estero in 1894 to build the “New Jerusalem” for his new faith, Koreshanity. Today, the Settlement is comprised of the 11 beautifully maintained historic structures that date from 1882-1920
and landscaped grounds including unique ornamental exotic vegetation from throughout the world. The Koreshan Unity Settlement Historic District is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Complimentary, (Reservations Required)