Intermediate Bridge Lessons with Pat Harrington

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Event Date:

Event Time:
9:00 am - 11:30 am

Card and Group Games

This season, Pat and Paul Harrington will offer only one six-week lesson series. The course will build on the students’ knowledge of the basics of play and bidding. Handouts reviewing basic bidding guidelines will be emailed before each lesson. As the course progresses beyond the basics, students will learn about: the difference between forcing and game-forcing bids, passed hand bidding, how a first response in a new suit on the two level changes some bidding guidelines, Fourth Suit Forcing, opener’s reverse and the subsequent auction, and the many exceptions after any player bids 1NT including a brief introduction to New Minor Forcing. This is NOT a beginner’s bidding course. It’s for those can usually choose their first bid and even their second bid in simple auctions. The course will focus primarily on rebids in more complex auctions. 

9:00 am to 11:30 am, January 11th to February 22nd (skipping Jan 25th)

$120 per person

Please add Pat’s email ([email protected]) to your address book to facilitate receipt of e-mailed lesson handouts during the course. (Note the third R in Pat’s email address.)