Landscapes - Art Through Different Eyes - CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Learning and Speaker Series

Artists have always been fascinated by the beauty of the great outdoors. They are challenged by the desire to capture on canvas that perfect moment when the sun reflects in the leaves of an autumn landscape; when a slight gray mist creeps over a green field in the early light of morning; or when just a few red berries peek out from a snowbank. 
By the late 1700’s landscapes were being painted through genre and history pictures and by the 1800’s landscapes had become picturesque and were very popular in Europe and America. Landscapes could be idealized or realistic, painted en plein air or in the studio. Seascapes developed with the struggle of nations to rule the sea. From the classic perspective of Hobema, the romanticism of Constable to the Hudson River School in America, landscapes have always been very well received.
Tuesday, December 4th

$10 per person

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm