Learning About Benefits for All Veterans and Spouses

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Event Time:
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Learn about Benefits for All Veterans and Spouses

All Veterans and Spouses come learn about the benefits earned by service that are available even at this stage of life.

You will learn about benefits including:

             Health Care

  •         Hearing Aids



             Dependents (Widow)

During this presentation we address your specific story and get information from Brig. General Carol Ann Fausone (ret), a nurse who served the country for 36 years.    Carol Ann, one of our members who resides in Lighthouse Bay is a national advocate for veterans. 

Thank You for your Service ……..

Tuesday, March 13th

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Complimentary (reservations required)

Please call 239-949-3800 or visit www.thecommonsclub.com