Messages of Guidance - SOLD OUT

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Medium, Author and Educator
Alaine Portner
Messages of Guidance


Monday, May 6th
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Discover the art and reasons for seeking & hearing spiritual guidance in your life! A remarkably sensitive Medium, Alaine specializes in receiving messages from loved ones or guided spirits and then delivers life-affirming insight and direction. In a safe and rare opportunity you will unplug and tune-in through Mindfulness, Meditation and personal Medium
Messages for each attendee. This amazing event is limited to 10 members.

$80 per person
Reservations are required
by calling 239-949-3800
or visiting
No Cancellations after May 1st

Private sessions are available upon request
$150 per 1/2 hour,
$220 per hour