Naples Council on World Affairs
What is Naples Council on World Affairs and how to get involved?
Join us for an overview of this program and learn how you can get involved in engaging conversations. Over the last 40 years, the Naples Council on World Affairs (NCWA) has been the leading source of international affairs programs to help the Greater Naples community understand America's role in the world and the importance of global affairs in our lives. It offers international affairs lectures and discussion groups for members and a variety of local school programs and scholarships for students to inspire deeper learning about how global issues affect all of us. We will incorporate a 30 min video clip of a distinguished speaker on the US/China relationship. This is just an example of the types of lectures of NCWA program.
We currently have 5 NCWA Great Decisions discussion groups operating at The Commons Club. Please join us to learn more about the NCWA and their Great Decisions program.
Tuesday, March 19th
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Complimentary (reservation required)