Post Impressionists

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2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Post Impressionists

The term Post Impressionists was coined in 1910 by English art critic Roger Fry, as a convenient way of referring to the artists who came immediately after the Impressionists. These artists were centered in Paris and for their own different reasons rejected the principles of Impressionism. The term can also apply to the later work of the Impressionist artist themselves who changed their style of painting. The Post Impressionist artists did not form into a coherent group or movement and the term itself does not refer to a style of painting. What the artists did have was a desire to go beyond the world of external appearance that had been so important to the Impressionists.  There will be 18 artists including the two Pissarro, Gauguin, van Gogh, Cezanne, the Nabis and Les Fauves.

Wednesday, March 14th

2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

$10 per person

Please call 239-949-3800