RA: Apollo 11: Man on the Moon, 50th Anniversary

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

FGCU Academy

Apollo 11: Man on the Moon, 50th Anniversary

Friday, March 8th, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Instructor: Edward Grace, $20 per person

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon. Revisit this historic event through the eyes of an MIT Engineer who was working at Johnson Space Center, Apollo Mission Control, in Houston, TX.  We will discuss the Apollo 11 movies First Man and Apollo 13 and test their historical accuracy. Our instructor was a member of the NASA Operations Team awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for its work on the Apollo 13 mission. Join us for a look back at one of the most dynamic and fascinating NASA space programs of the 20th century. 


Please contact The Renaissance Academy with all reservations at (239) 745-4512