RA Automated Webinar: Eternal Egypt: Myths, Monarchs and Monuments

Event Date:

Event Time:
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

FGCU Academy

Automated Webinars are recordings of previously aired lectures that are rebroadcast on specific dates and times. These are ideal if you missed the opportunity to take a class or want to take it a second time. Participants can watch the complete lecture, including Q&A, but since they are recordings they do not allow for active participation. You must be online and signed into the event on the dates/times listed below.

Eternal Egypt: Myths, Monarchs and Monuments
AW0113 –

Wednesday, September 2nd
7 pm – 8:30 pm
$25 per person
The civilization of Ancient Egypt is endlessly fascinating. Exhibits about this culture are always blockbusters at museums world-wide. Countless TV shows, books and journals explore every aspect of Egypt from mummy myths to alien builder theories. In this lecture, we will survey Ancient Egypt, the world's first nation and a civilization that flourished for more than 3,500 years. Instructor: Carol Jonson

  • Please call 239-434-4737 or visit RegisterRA.asapconnected.com to register. You will receive a confirmation email regarding your registration. Prior to the webinar, you will receive a separate email with your log-in information as well as a one-page instruction sheet for those unsure how to join the webinar.