RA Automated Webinar: Queen Elizabeth I: The Challenges Facing a Female Monarch

Event Date:

Event Time:
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

FGCU Academy

Automated Webinars are recordings of previously aired lectures that are rebroadcast on specific dates and times. These are ideal if you missed the opportunity to take a class or want to take it a second time. Participants can watch the complete lecture, including Q&A, but since they are recordings they do not allow for active participation. You must be online and signed into the event on the dates/times listed below.

Queen Elizabeth I: The Challenges Facing a Female Monarch in Tudor England
AW0107 –

Monday, September 14 th
3 pm – 4:30 pm
$25 per person
As a Tudor Monarch, Queen Elizabeth faced many dynastic challenges, including unique aspects of the religious settlement in her realm, and the competing interests of her nobles and courtiers. She was also confronted by threats from foreign enemies, and the conflicts that resulted in England and abroad. We will examine the strategies that this unique monarch employed to deal with the novel issues that confronted her as a female monarch in an age of male dominated political power. Whether faced with unhappy courtiers, powerful foreign princes, the threat to her legitimacy posed by the Queen of Scotland, or the constant pressure on her to marry, Elizabeth I demonstrated a strength of will, strategic vision, and her own brand of psychological manipulation to remain firmly in control, and to continue to exercise supreme authority in her realm. If you like history, enjoy the pageantry of Tudor England, or just want to understand more about this remarkable woman, this is a good place to begin. Instructor: James Pagliaro

  • Please call 239-434-4737 or visit RegisterRA.asapconnected.com to register. You will receive a confirmation email regarding your registration. Prior to the webinar, you will receive a separate email with your log-in information as well as a one-page instruction sheet for those unsure how to join the webinar.