RA: Beethoven's Ninth - The Struggle, Despair and Triumph

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

FGCU Academy

Beethoven’s Ninth: The Struggle, Despair and Triumph

Famed conductor Riccardo Muti said when he picks up the baton to conduct Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony he feels a chill knowing he will be in direct communication with God for the next ninety minutes.  Join us as we “listen and learn” about this titan whose powerful sound cast an enormous shadow across the 19th century. “Papa” Hayden called his pupil a child prodigy whose music “will one day shake this earth.”  While battling hearing loss in his thirties, fighting his sister-in-law over custody of his nephew, and suffering the lost love of the mysterious “Immortal Beloved,” Beethoven created some of the greatest music ever, crowned by the monumental Ninth SymphonyInstructor: Steven Mutart

Thursday, September 22nd

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

$20 per person

For reservation please call The Renaissance Academy at 239-425-3272