RA: Climate Science Lite: Understanding the Science to Understand the Solution

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

FGCU Academy

Climate Science Lite: Understanding the Science to Understand the Solution

Before we even begin to understand the problem of anthropogenic global warming, we must educate ourselves about climate science. Common sense can only help us develop solutions after we understand the problem–and that’s where the science comes in.  Let us offer you Climate Science Lite. You don't need to know the math or depth of the science involved to understand global warming–just the principles that scientists spent centuries discovering and proving.  Many of those with a greater stake in the solution than the problem are hiding the science behind the politics. We, as citizens of the world, must be confident in the science if we are to make the most cost-effective choices among the solutions.  Instructor: Peter Zuris

Wednesday, February 10th

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

$20 per person

For reservations please contact The Renaissance Academy at 239-425-3272