RA: Counterterrorism: Gun Control & Watchlists CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am

FGCU Academy

Counterterrorism: Gun Control & Watchlists

Analysis of two hot topics in the war on terror - watch lists and gun control.  How the government accumulates, maintains, and uses terror watch lists.   We will explore the issues from a security rather than political perspective.  Topics: role of the Counter Terrorism Center, National Counterterrorism Center, and the FBI's National Security Branch; terrorist watch lists; No Fly Lists; Selectee List; gun control; assault weapons bans; large capacity magazine bans; banning suspected terrorists from owning guns.  Instructor: Thomas Eastwood


Wednesday, October 11th

10am – 11:30am

$20 per person

Please call 239-425-3272 or 239-434-4737 to RSVP