RA Drone Warfare: 21st Century Battlefield Redefined

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am

FGCU Academy

For reservations please contact The Renaissance Academy at 239-425-3272


Drone Warfare: 21st Century Battlefield Redefined


In 15 years, drones have evolved from a surveillance tool into a widely used and lethal weapon in the war on terror. We will discuss the technology (past, current, and future), along with the tactics, politics, and controversy.  Topics: early unmanned aircraft, the Predator and Reaper, drone capacity and armaments, military/intelligence operations, surveillance and offensive capacity, targeting, books, and movies. Finally, do drone attacks encourage more terrorism? Instructor: Thomas Eastwood


Tuesday, June 13th     

10:00 am – 11:30 am

$20 per person