RA - Fundamentals of Interior Design

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

FGCU Academy

Fundamentals of Interior Design



Enrollment is limited to 12. There is a $10 supply fee payable to the instructor at first class. Learn basic principles behind every good interior design project. Learn the first considerations a professional interior designer addresses on a project. Learn how to not only make a room look good, but also to make it functional, and to give it a “WOW” effect. Realize how to set a mood just by the arrangement of elements in the room. Exercises will allow you to begin using these skills to complete your project.  Instructor: Sharon Breay, A.S.I.D.

Tuesday, April 17th

1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

$34 per person

Please call 239-745-4512 to RSVP