RA - Getting More from Your Digital Camera

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

FGCU Academy

Please call 239-745-4512 to RSVP

Getting More from Your Digital Camera  $30 ­

June 7 at 1:30pm – 4:30pm, Thursday

Everyone owns a camera and if you are like most people, you can turn it on and press the shutter and that is about it. Perplexed by all those strange symbols? Afraid to touch a button or worse yet, touch one by accident and can’t undo what you have just done? Do not be embarrassed! Gain control of your digital camera in this easy-to-understand class. In this lecture-style class, you will learn what all of those buttons do, when to use them, how to use them and why to use them. Impress your family, friends and yourself by making the camera do what you want it to do!  Instructor: Frank Berna