RA: iPhone/iPad Apps: Camera, Photos, Editing, Organizing, Albums and More

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

FGCU Academy

iPhone/iPad Apps: Camera, Photos, Editing, Organizing, Albums and More

$35 per person

Instructor: John Guerra

Monday, August 14th, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

This is not a class for Android users and assumes you are familiar with using an iPad/iPhone. Your iPad/iPhone has two cameras for taking still photographs and HD video. We will learn all the features of the cameras and how to use them. We will also discuss how to get photos from your digital camera onto your device, and how to edit, organize, manage, email, and share them. Turn your iPad/iPhone into a digital photo library of your most important photographic memories.

The Renaissance Academy is a learning program through Florida Gulf Coast University. All lectures at The Brooks are specifically selected for our Membership.  Please contact The Renaissance Academy with all reservations at (239) 425-3272. You can also register online 24 hours a day at  https://RegisterRA.fgcu.edu.  Want other opportunities to take different courses?  Stop by the Enrichment Center and get the full booklet of classes offered by The Renaissance Academy.