RA - iPhone/iPad for Beginners

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

FGCU Academy

iPhone/iPad for Beginners               

This is not a class for users of Android or Windows users. Apple iPhones and iPads have defined the category of smartphones and tablets. They are both remarkable pieces of technology. While the iPhone provides access to phone, voicemail, email, the web, photos, calendars, texting, maps, games and more, the iPad includes many of these same options and can eliminate your need for a desktop or laptop! Whether you already own an iPhone or iPad, or are considering purchasing one, join us as we explore the capabilities of these remarkable devices. This lecture-style demonstration will teach you the basics of the iPhone: apps, settings, organizing, telephone, voicemail, texting, music, books, email and more. Instructor: John Guerra

Thursday, June 20th

10:00 am to 12:00 pm

$35 per person

Please call the Renaissance Academy at 239-745-4512 to make your reservation