RA: Masterpieces of Western Music - Cancelled

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

FGCU Academy

Masterpieces of Western Music

$24 per person

Instructor: Thomas Cimarusti

Wednesday, August 9th, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

A number of composers from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century have written works that audiences and scholars alike refer to as “masterpieces”. This course will examine two contrasting masterworks: J. S. Bach’s “Mass in B Minor” and Beethoven’s “Symphony #5 in C minor”. Our discussion will involve trying to define the term “masterpiece”, and why these two works are often considered as such. 

The Renaissance Academy is a learning program through Florida Gulf Coast University. All lectures at The Brooks are specifically selected for our Membership.  Please contact The Renaissance Academy with all reservations at (239) 425-3272. You can also register online 24 hours a day at  https://RegisterRA.fgcu.edu.  Want other opportunities to take different courses?  Stop by the Enrichment Center and get the full booklet of classes offered by The Renaissance Academy.