RA Online: A Medieval Pandemic: The Rise and Course of the 'Black Death' in 14th Century

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:15 am

FGCU Academy

A Medieval Pandemic: The Rise and Course of the 'Black Death' in 14th Century Europe and its Impact on Life & Society

Wednesday, July 1st
10:00 am – 11:15 am
$25 per person

The current pandemic of Covid-19 is like nothing that anyone born of recent generations can remember or relate to. Widespread sickness, death, anxiety, fear, and the shutdown of large swaths of our country and economy call into question many of our fundamental values. Our inability to effectively prevent transmission or treat this new disease has stunned and shaken the world and the medical community. The rise of novel diseases that confound doctors and cause severe illness and untimely death is not unique in human history. In this lecture, learn about one of the first recorded global pandemics as we trace the arrival and spread of the Bubonic Plague in 14th century Europe. We will discuss the arrival of the disease in Europe, its rapid spread, and devastating consequences in loss of human life and economic devastation. What lessons can be learned from history and prior pandemics as we battle Covid-19?

Instructor: James Pagliaro

  • Online programs are typically 60 minutes of lecture with 15 minutes of Q&A at the END of the presentation. Students will be able to type questions into the system at any time during the presentation.
  • No software or downloads are required. Students can participate using a desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet.
  • Please call 239-434-4737 or visit RegisterRA.asapconnected.com to register. You will receive a confirmation email regarding your registration. Prior to the webinar, you will receive a separate email with your log-in information as well as a one-page instruction sheet for those unsure how to join the webinar.
  • If your plans change and you are unable to attend our webinar, please call us to cancel