RA: Tesla, Edison and Westinghouse: The Men of Electricity CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am

FGCU Academy

Tesla, Edison and Westinghouse: The Men of Electricity

$35 per person

Instructor: Steven Mutart

Tuesday, August 29th, 10:00 am – 11:30 am

As the 19th century morphed into the 20th century, “a war of currents” between American inventors and entrepreneurs, George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison, was being waged over AC vs. DC electric current. Nikola Tesla, a transplant from modern-day Croatia, stepped onto the stage full of ideas, energy, and patents he had developed, and added his brilliance, talent, and unique personality to the cause of AC current. Learn how this fascinating saga of brilliance, jealously, showmanship, deceit, money, and greed played out in a non-technical presentation.

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