RA: The Brexit and Trump Phenomena

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am

FGCU Academy

Please contact The Renaissance Academy with all reservations at (239) 425-3272.

The Brexit and Trump Phenomena

$24 per person, Tuesday, April 4th, 10 am to 11:30 am

Moderator: Judith Gates

The mission of the Centre for Critical Thinking is to broaden critical thinking through open-minded discussion of relevant issues. Join our moderated discussion group, share your views and hear what others have to say. This program will provide an opportunity to critically and constructively consider the events of 2016, the Trump and Brexit phenomena. What are the similarities and differences between them? Focusing on past, present, and future, through structured discussion, participants will have the opportunity to consider what the events of 2016 say about the electorate of the USA and the UK, including their views on globalization and immigration. The present - where are we now? What are the economic, social, and cultural forces currently shaping our Western World? The past - how did we get here? Are current forces based on resistance to change or a rational response to emerging and future needs? The future - what kind of world do we want for our children and grandchildren? Are the events of 2016 a step towards our desired future or a counterproductive exercise of opposition in the face of inevitable change? Are we looking to the past for answers to today’s realities? Or are we looking ahead in order to prepare for a better future? How will history judge us? How do we judge ourselves?