RA - What Really Caused the American Revolution?

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Event Time:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

FGCU Academy

What Really Caused the American Revolution?



It can be argued that the American Revolution was a conflict over the nature of the British Constitution. The British Constitution is the supreme law of the land, but it is not written down. It is based upon precedent and, therefore, changes over time. As a result of The French and Indian War, which mushroomed into a worldwide conflict between Britain and France, the extent and expense of the British Empire expanded greatly. London believed that the new empire must be governed by a plan to meet overall British objectives and financial requirements, and that the colonists should not be allowed to return to their old ways of governing themselves in their own interests. This effort by London broke a 150-year-old precedent and threatened to establish a new precedent of colonial subservience to London. Thus, the colonies fought to resist what they believed were encroachments on their constitutional rights by London, and the rest is history. Instructor: Jon Dill

Thursday, April 5th

10:00 am to 12:00 pm

$24 per person

Please call 239-745-4512 to RSVP