RA: What Your Doctor Wishes You Knew - CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

FGCU Academy

What Your Doctor Wishes You Knew

Every step in a doctor’s office, emergency room or hospital has a purpose. As patients, we are often lost and forgotten when it comes to information, costs, and treatment plans. Learn the 7 secrets to gaining information from your healthcare professional or facility. Learn to work with insurance companies. Where do those high medical costs come from? Why do I have to see a specialist (again)? You will learn the answers to these questions and more.  Instructor: Suzanne Fiscella, P.A.


Monday, December 4th

1:30pm – 3pm

$20 per person

Please call 239-425-3272 or 239-434-4737 to RSVP