RA: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Outer Limits of Genius - CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

FGCU Academy

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Outer Limits of Genius

What does a five year old do with the rest of his life after mastering violin and piano? Mozart would go on to compose 41 symphonies, 27 piano concertos, five violin concertos (by age 18), many operas, countless small concert pieces, and hundreds of live performances for royalty throughout Europe. But the musical darling of Europe would die penniless and join the paupers in their graves at the young age of 35. Adored by millions, he would become a hero to the many musical giants that followed him.  Instructor: Steven Mutart

Thursday, June 16th

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

$20 per person

For reservation please call The Renaissance Academy at 239-425-3272