RA:Renaissance Academy 2017 Travel Abroad CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:30 am - 12:00 pm

FGCU Academy

Please contact The Renaissance Academy with all reservations at (239) 425-3272.

Renaissance Academy 2017 Travel Abroad Open House


Friday, February 10th, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Instructor: John Guerra

Pre-Registration is required! Join us as we formally unveil our 2017 Travel Abroad excursions to Classic Germany, the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, our Insider’s Japan, or our cruises aboard the Sea Cloud in the Adriatic or the Amadolce through Bordeaux. Enjoy refreshments as we review the itineraries for each excursion, answer questions, and dream about adventures yet to be had. Since 2002, the Renaissance Academy has sponsored more than 40 excursions abroad to destinations such as Peru, Tuscany, Sicily, Cuba, Turkey, Portugal, China, France, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Guatemala, and Brazil. Through unique and interesting itineraries, participants have the opportunity to experience life outside the classroom, visit historic sites with local guides, experience another culture – its customs, cuisine, language, and history – and delight in conversation and laughter with fellow explorers who share a love of travel and a sense of adventure.