The Buck Stops Here - The story of Harry S. Truman - CANCELLED

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10:00 am - 11:00 am


The Buck Stops Here - The story of Harry S. Truman

Plain-speaking Harry Truman from Independence, Missouri, was catapulted into the presidency of the United States in 1945. No one expected much from him. But he made the most influential decision any U.S. president ever had to make, showing the extraordinary qualities residing in a seemingly ordinary man.
Dr. Jay delights audiences with his riveting story-telling style and his remarkable ability to deliver each full lecture without the use of notes or written references.   He is an internationally known and acclaimed history and destination lecturer who takes the facts of history and the legends and folkways of civilizations and weaves them into stories of people and events that have shaped the world. Dr. Jay Wolff took his undergraduate and doctoral degrees at Georgetown University in Washington DC.  He has published more than a hundred articles on history and culture in American Heritage, Forbes, American Legacy, The Washington Post and The L.A. Times.  He has been a commentator on The History Channel. 

Wednesday, November 28th
10:00 am to 11:00 am
$10 per person